The Mission and Ministry Council provide District congregations, church workers, and lay people with support, assistance, and training in various areas of ministry. The Mission and Ministry Council, made up of a committee of professional church workers and lay people from the District, is able and ready to provide resources and guidance in their respective ministry areas. Professional church workers and lay people are encouraged to contact the Mission and Ministry Council for assistance in their ministries.
Everyone His Witness
Everyone His Witness is an evangelism program offered by the LCMS Office of National Mission. It is a relational, contextual witnessing guide that includes 6 key elements: Listen-Ask-See-Share-Invite-Encourage (LASSIE). Everyone His Witness workshops provides congregations the opportunity to be trained to share their Christian faith with people of other world religions, as well as with people who are dechurched or unchurched.
The LCMS Office of National Mission is addressing the challenge of congregational decline through a comprehensive revitalization initiative. re:Vitality is a full-scale program that addresses the three fundamental premises of revitalization by providing congregations with resources to improve their abilities to invite, welcome and receive people from outside the congregation.
This Lutheran Hour Ministries’ witnessing-training program provides lay people with the tools and training needed to confidently accept their mission of sharing Jesus Christ with unique people in diverse settings.
Planting Gospel Seeds While Serving Human Needs
The “Planting Gospel Seeds While Serving Human Needs” program helps congregations develop ways to enable their neighbors to break the cycles of poverty and struggle. By identifying the most critical, unmet and under-served needs in the community, congregations can plan ministries that build closer relationships with neighbors and help congregations become vital, growing churches, making new disciples for Christ.
Addtional Resources
Community Canvas Guide
Outreach Resources
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Witnessing Resources
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Rural Ministry
Jesus said, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.” Word and Sacrament ministry in rural and small town settings provide their own unique set of joys and challenges. Over 50% of LCMS congregations are located in rural and small town contexts.
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod’s Rural and Small Town Mission (RSTM) supports pastors, professional church workers and lay leaders to meet the challenges of leading Christ-centered outreach in their unique communities. RSTM is the place for rual and small town congregations to go to receive support, resources, and encouragement.
Reaching Rural America for Christ Newsletter

World Missions
Jesus said, “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The Lord’s desire is to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread to every corner, to every nation, and to every person in the world. While each of us has opportunities to share the Gospel personally, the Lord also calls us to support efforts to promote the Gospel around the world. Here you will find links to many helpful and useful resources that will inform and inspire you to join in the work of world missions
Mission Central, a strategic arm of our Synod’s LCMS Mission Advancement department, is located in Mapleton, Iowa. Since 2003 Mission Central has been serving the LCMS’s largest mission supporting network of contributors, who through prayer and generosity send and sustain official LCMS missionaries in harvest fields around the world. Along with facilitating prayer and financial support for official LCMS missionaries serving here in the U.S. and overseas, Mission Central provides a place for missionaries to stay while on furlough, offices where meetings can take place, facilities for mission events, and worship space for more than 300. Old Missionary Gary Theis and his co-missionary, Rev. Dr. Brent Smith, invite you to visit anytime and to become a partner in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.
The LCMS has chaplains serving in all branches of the military all around the world. This link will provide you with more information about LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces and Operation Barnabas.
Addtional Resources
Where We Are
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Mission Service Opportunities
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Support A Missionary
Are you interested in finding and supporting a particular missionary and their family? This link will connect you to a catalog of missionaries and where they are serving in the world. You can learn more about each missionary and the ministry they are doing.
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Walk With Your Missionaries
This resource is full of helpful ways that you can support and stay informed of the work of LCMS missionaries around the world.
How to Host an LCMS Missionary in Your Congregation
Network Supported Missionaries
Do you wonder why LCMS missionaries are required to raise their own funds before they can begin their mission work? This document will help you to understand the rationale for why the LCMS uses the Network Supported Missionary model
Mission Congregations
The LCMS Church Planting Manual is a comprehensive guide that will help congregations in the process of planting a new mission congregation.